Adopted Housing Element
Milpitas Hosuing Element
The Housing Element analyzes the City’s housing needs, assesses past accomplishments and fair housing practices, shows opportunities for future residential development, and addresses potential constraints to the development of housing in the city. It aims to promote and preserve housing, while furthering other goals described in the General Plan, including building vibrant and walkable neighborhoods and maintaining an equitable balance of land uses.
- HCD Compliance Letter (download here)
- Certified HE 5/17/2023 (download here)
- Adopted HE 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix A: Housing Needs Assessment
This chapter reviews the existing and projected housing needs of the community and provides an overview of socio-demographic information, such as population characteristics, household information, housing stock, tenure, and housing affordability. The assessment also considers special housing needs for seniors, farmworkers, homeless, large households, and female-headed households.
- Adopted HE Appendix A 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix B: Housing Constraints
Housing Constraints analyzes governmental and non-governmental impediments to housing production across all income levels. It is foundational to policies and programs included in the Housing Plan to overcome some of these identified barriers.
- Adopted HE Appendix B 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix C: Housing Resources
Housing Resources analyzes the infrastructural, financial, and administrative resources available to the city to realize the housing programs.
- Adopted HE Appendix C 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix D: Review of Past Accomplishments
This chapter reviews the results and progress of past housing programs adopted in the previous 5th Cycle Housing Element. It compares the stated outcomes with actual results and informs the programs in the current Housing Plan.
- Adopted HE Appendix D 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix E: Future Housing Needs
Future Housing Needs supplies the detailed inventory of sites shown in the city that are suitable for residential development within the 6th Cycle planning period. It defines the assumptions and the methods used to meet the RHNA.
- Adopted HE Appendix E 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix F: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
This chapter analyzes the sites identified in the Future Housing Needs inventory through the lens of fair housing, including integration and segregation, racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, disparities in access to opportunity, and disproportionate housing needs.
It also includes the Assessment of Fair Housing which has the purpose of providing a basis, grounded in data and robust community engagement, for future action tin four core fair housing issues: segregation, racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty (R/ECAPs), disproportionate housing needs (including those associated with displacement), and disparities in access to opportunity.
- Adopted HE Appendix F 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Appendix G: Public Engagement and Input
The Public Engagement and Input chapter summarizes the community engagement process and the results of engagement activities that informed the Housing Element.
- Adopted HE Appendix G 3/24/2023 (download here)
- Revised HCD Draft 12/30/2022 (download here)
- HCD Draft 10/17/2022 (download here)
Addendum Evaluation: Environmental Impact Report
The addendum analyzes the changes and potential impacts related to the adoption of the Housing Element Update. It is intended to demonstrate consistency between the Housing Element Update and the existing General Plan Environmental Impact Report to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
- Addendum Evaluation Draft 1/12/2023 (download here)