Housing Subcommittee Meeting

Committe Conference Room; City Hall 455 E. Calaveras Bl., Milpitas, CA, United States

Review the meeting materials at the link below: https://milpitashousingelement.com/past-meetings/   Location: In-person, City Hall first floor, Committee Conference Room. 455 E. Calaveras Bl., Milpitas, CA The Milpitas Housing Element team will be meeting with the Housing Subcommittee to share and receive feedback on the public draft of the Housing Element. The team will also provide […]

Planning Commission Meeting

Review the meeting materials at the link below: https://milpitashousingelement.com/past-meetings/   Location: In-person: City Council Chambers. 455 E. Calaveras Bl., Milpitas, CA Zoom registration link: https://ci-milpitas-ca-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LD5SkrG4Qaqq6eGyqrUr6g Live streaming: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofMilpitas/ YouTube: https://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/youtube Web Streaming: https://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/webstreaming   The Milpitas Housing Element team will be meeting with the Planning Commission to share and receive feedback on the public draft of the […]

Community Workshop #3: Draft Housing Element Review


Review the meeting materials at the link below: https://milpitashousingelement.com/past-meetings/   Location: Virtual Please register using this link: https://bit.ly/MilpitasHEWorkshop3 What's this about? Come join us to learn more about the City’s Housing Element! The Housing Element is part of the City’s General Plan. Its purpose is to facilitate the production of a variety of housing types, […]

Community Development Roundtable


Review the meeting materials at the link below: https://milpitashousingelement.com/past-meetings/   The Milpitas Housing Element team will be joining the next Community Development Roundtable meeting on Friday, September 16 from 9am-10am. We will be discussing and gathering feedback on the Public Draft of the Housing Element and. If you would like to join, you can register […]

Pop-Up at Great Mall Farmers’ Market

Milpitas Farmer's Market 882 Great Mall Dr., Milpitas, CA, United States

Location: Parking lot at Mustang and Great Mall Drive The Milpitas Housing Element team will be tabling at the Great Mall Farmers' Market sharing information about and receiving feedback on the public draft of the Housing Element. Stop by to learn more!

City Council Meeting

City Council Chambers; City Hall 455 E. Calaveras Bl., Milpitas, CA, United States

Review the meeting materials at the link below: https://milpitashousingelement.com/past-meetings/   Location:  In-person: City Council Chambers. 455 E. Calaveras Bl., Milpitas, CA Zoom registration link: more information to follow Live streaming: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofMilpitas/ YouTube: https://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/youtube Web Streaming: https://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/webstreaming   The Milpitas Housing Element team will be meeting with the Housing Subcommittee to share and receive feedback on the public […]

Equity Advisory Group Meeting

Review the meeting materials at the link below: https://milpitashousingelement.com/past-meetings/   The Milpitas Housing Element team will present updates on the Housing Element Update process to members of the Equity Advisory Group. The meeting will take place over zoom on Thursday, September 29th from 10:30am-11:00am.